Thursday, November 10, 2011

make time to spend with family
Family and Friends, what I call the “Two Fs” are life’s greatest treasures. Never lose sight of them.
A friend once lost his job. I still remember the day when I picked him up from work and drove him back home. His wife was upset, but did not show it. Instead, she made us a nice cup of tea. The kids were really happy to see their dad home early. They had no clue that their father did not have a job now. The following 6 months were excruciating, living on savings, feeling hopeless, depressed and lost. The job was gone, so was the car, the gym membership and a list of other trivial things. Only two things remained unchanged – Family and Friends. With their support and encouragement, he got another job within 6 months. Today, the car is back, so is the gym membership, but the bonding with the “2Fs” has grown even stronger. No matter what is lost, family and friends should and will last forever.

Make time for your family and friends. You will never regret it. When I was a ‘corporate high flyer’, I remember numerous occasions when I returned home really late from work. The kids would be waiting patiently for daddy to tell them a story. Sadly, daddy would never be in a mood and would often lose his temper with the poor things. Looking back, I can’t get to forgive myself and I know a lot more people out there who feel like me.

Few tips that have helped me bond better with family and friends:
Consciously make time to spend with family and friends. Set aside an additional half hour every day, just to sit with the family and do something everybody likes (TV, a chat or a board game). Make sure you have at least one meal together. I make sure that the family always has dinner together. Wake up with a smile. It radiates down to the whole family. Never set your expectations too high and don’t ever forget to appreciate your family and friends for something good that they have done.

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