Thursday, February 2, 2012

10 Forwarded Messages

My Subject Search - Arts & Entertainment
Earthquakes, Hurricanes and the Midpoints – Uranian Astrology
Jan 20th 2012, 18:00

On Tuesday, August 23rd, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 occurred in Richmond VA at 1:51PM, EDT. This earthquake was felt in 22 states. Monday evening, August 22, at 11:46PM, MDT, (1:46 am, EDT) a 5.3 earthquake struck Denver, CO, just 12 hours prior to east coast earthquake. As an astrologer I went to my computer after hearing what happened and as a uranian astrologer, I transferred everything to my 90 degree dial. The picture was crystal clear, Mars was squaring Zeus and both were at the midpoint of Saturn and the Admentos axis. This planetary picture translates into “the earth belched”. It is a good thing that the earth did not fart at the same time or we would have been in really big trouble. Mars Zeus is to ignite, and the Saturn Admentos energy created a bottleneck. This planetary picture interprets an action or activity that causes insurmountable difficulties. Another planetary combination occurring at the same time was the Uranus/ Admetos midpoint which equaled the cardinal axis/ Neptune. This earthquake was totally unexpected and stunned everyone. Whilst this combination was occurring, the Sun was midpoint Uranus and Vulcanus. This translates as a day of menace and danger. The reason there was such minimal damage was that Apollon was squaring Vulcanus, so it was part of the planetary picture with Uranus and Vulcanus. Apollon (expansion) is also the reason that the earthquake was felt in 22 states. This transneptunian planet contains a Jupiter Mercury quality, it can also be beneficial, but it can spread what it is involved with far and wide. Wednesday, August 24th, with the earthquake behind us, the east coast is bracing for Irene. This is classified as a category 3 hurricane that could turn into a category 4 hurricane before it hits land. This is occurring as the Mercury stations to go direct. This Mercury station direct will be a little unnerving, depending as to where it is falling in your chart or the chart of the city where you live. It will be making a sesquiquadrate otherwise known as a sesquisquare, 135 degree aspect to Uranus. This could bring sudden unstable violent winds such as a hurricane. I informed some of my friends and clients that even though the hurricane season normally begins in June, this year, the real hurricane season will begin on this current Mercury station direct. The last Mercury station direct in was squared by Saturn, and that produced deadly tornados that destroyed everything and anything in its path. On a less dramatic tone, the Mercury Uranus tells us to expect the unexpected to come our way. Come mid-to-end of September, Uranus will be midpoint Pluto and the cardinal axis, at the same time, Hades will be the midpoint of Uranus and the cardinal axis. There will be sudden changes and more unexpected changes. Some may be nasty and unpleasant while others may bring pleasant surprises. My advice to you, my readers, is to tread carefully for the next month at least! On Sunday, August 28th, Saturn will be semi-square Neptune and both will be midpoint Mars and Zeus, resulting in water damage and destruction especially with machinery, like cars, boilers, computers, etc. If you are living in the path of Irene, place all of your movable mechanical appliances in high places. Then on the 29th, Jupiter will station retrograde; some will experience some form of financial losses! We then move into September and Summer ends as the midpoint of Pluto and the cardinal axis equals the midpoint between Uranus and Hades. General changes can occur due to sudden meanness and nastiness. This planetary picture gets worse as Mars’s energy is added to the mix.. On September 6th, Mars will be 22 ½ Cancer on the cardinal axis. He then moves to 22 ½ to Hades, and then on to Uranus, thereby ending his reign of terror in a big way. Mars then makes a 22 ½ to the Pluto station direct, while at the same time falling midpoint Saturn and Jupiter on September 16th. Transiting Venus sets off Hades and Uranus. My suggestion to all of you out there in cyberspace is to hide or cut up your credit cards especially on the afternoon of September 21st as Venus will be midpoint Saturn and the cardinal axis. September 22nd, Venus moves to the midpoint of Hades and Saturn. September 23rd, Venus comes to the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, while the Sun will be on the cardinal axis setting off Uranus and Pluto… Yuk, Yuk and more Yuk! One thing for sure, we will be living the Chinese curse: “May we live in interesting times!”

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Unitkrew Reviews
Polar PIM10BLS Stainless Steel Portable Ice Maker
Jan 20th 2012, 18:59

Polar PIM10BLS Stainless Steel Portable Ice Maker

  • The pim10bls portable ice maker features an easy-to-use touch pad with illuminated indicators. the ice maker will make 26-1/2-pound of ice every 24-hours
  • This portable ice maker doesn’t need plumbing, installation or a drain because it’s completely portable
  • The polar pim10bls features a compact design that can be used in many locations such as boats, cottages and basements

The Polar PIM10BLS portable ice maker is so easy to use that you simply pour water into the top of the unit to make ice. It has a viewing window so you can see the ice when it is done. The PIM10BLS portable ice maker makes ice in just a few minutes, includes a ice scoop, an easy pour fill jug and a removable ice storage drawer.

List Price: $ 179.99


More Ice Maker Products

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Travel Go Stuff Amsterdam
Why Move To The Netherlands? 5 Fantastic Reasons To Move Here
Jan 20th 2012, 19:45

Why move to The Netherlands? That must be some type of trick or joke question, right? Why would you not want to move to The Netherlands? In this article, I will share with you just 5 incredible reasons why you should move here. Tolerance The Netherlands is well-known for its tolerance of others. Whatever your race or sexuality, you will be welcomed here and people will respect your rights to live your life the way you see fit. Beauty The Netherlands are a place of outstanding beauty. The entire canal network of inner Amsterdam is classed as a world heritage site. You will never tire of walking along the “grachts” (canals) and finding a nice spot to enjoy a beer or a glass of wine. Family Orientated Even in Amsterdam (the busiest of all cities in The Netherlands and the effective “capital city”) you will see a great deal of family activity compared to where you may be coming from. Here in The Netherlands, there is a major emphasis on the family. You will see many of them out and about and not locked up indoors. The country is very safe too and you can tell that kids here generally have a good upbringing and this may partly explain the great confidence of the Dutch people. Bike Lanes The Dutch are smart when it comes to bicycling. You can find bike lanes absolutely everywhere. In many countries, riders are not given much thought when planning to build new neighborhoods and roads but this is not the case here. The bike is the best way around town and it is much safer than anywhere else. Hardly anyone here wears a helmet because it is so safe. Also, everyone looks out for you whether they are pedestrians, other cyclists, tram drivers or motorists. Tradition And Culture The Dutch have a lovely culture. Of course, you may experience a little “culture shock” but this would happen in any new country. I have already mentioned the emphasis on family but the Dutch are also hedonists and believe in enjoying life. On Monday mornings, many businesses do not open until early afternoon in order to allow the workers to make the most of their Sundays and wake up late to go to work. This is just one of many examples of Dutch tradition and culture..

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Travel Go Stuff Amsterdam
Famous Psychic Mediums – Supernatural Household Names
Jan 20th 2012, 19:39

There have been many famous psychic mediums over the last hundred years, all were of course very popular and sought after for readings, but all were also very controversial as well as being talented intuitive in their respective fields. One of the least known, yet most impressive mediums was named Leonora Piper, and lived and practiced at the end of the 19th century. She remains to this day one of the most scientifically studied, analyzed, poked and prodded medium in the history of parapsychology research. While the passage of time has relegated her name to the great pile of unknowns in our present, modern day society, she had a greater impact in the study of survival research (the study of life continuing after bodily death) than just about any other individual psychic reader on record. One of the most salient and convincing aspects of her skills and talents weren’t just the startling revelations she would share while in a trance state, but also – her own refusal to monetize or brag about her skills. Ms. Piper remained as curious about her talents as those who traveled vast distances to study her, never herself even sure as to what was happening (or what she was revealing to a shocked audience) while in her trance. Leonora Piper and the readings she gave led to one of the scientists dedicated to exposing her as a fraud (Frederick Meyers)to do a complete about face in his skeptical beliefs, and write the seminal work on life after death – ” Human Personality and it’s Survival of Bodily Death” , in which he outlined his new theories on the soul and it’s evolution beyond this world. Today, we see mediums like Sylvia Brown, John Edwards, George Anderson and many others fill the airways with their prognostications about the lives (and deaths) of people who travel from near and far to see them. Many look to these types of readings as a lifeline to loved ones who are no longer with us. Others look at the very same mediums and their readings as opportunistic and exploitative in that they can be very expensive, and often seemingly take advantage of people who will give anything for another opportunity to “talk” to a lost loved one. Everyone needs to make their own decision on this – my feeling is, I DO believe in the continuation of consciousness, have HAD my own experiences of the same, but WOULD NOT be comfortable charging five hundred dollars an hour to someone who needs to REINFORCE their belief that they will indeed see their loved ones again. I would simply recommend that ANYONE who wants to learn the very same skills, do so – as they exist within us all.

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Boomdouble Reviews
Garmin Portable Friction Mount
Jan 20th 2012, 21:14

Garmin Portable Friction Mount

  • Vehicle dash mount for use on any stable surface
  • Securely holds your GPS in vehicle
  • Does not slide or detach while vehicle is in motion
  • Adjustable to position GPS in a variety of angles
  • Garmin ball mount easily attaches to your existing cradle

Keep your nüvi in place with this portable friction mount. It’ll keep everything in plain sight when you need it and out of the way when you don’t. Place the mount on any stable surface, and adjust the position of your GPS to your liking. The friction mount weighs enough to keep your device put on the dash, even when sudden maneuvers are necessary. It’s ideal for states in which the use of windshield suction mounts is illegal. In addition to its convenience, you can quickly place your GPS out o

List Price: $ 39.99


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Nessun Dormas Dog Training
7 Tips For Potty Training Older Dogs – Potty Train Older Dogs Fast
Jan 20th 2012, 21:00

Sometimes – especially if not trained right as a puppy – older dogs will have problems with house training and they may need to be taught or re-taught not to pee or poop inside. You can teach an old dog new tricks and to help you, here are the tips for potty training older dogs. The Process Of Training 1. Instead of teaching your dog not to urinate inside, teach them to urinate outside. Many experts agree that it is far easier to teach a dog – especially an older one – to do something rather than teach them to not do something. 2. Provide an area of your lawn for the dog to go outside. Make sure you are very consistent about where they pee or poop because that will make it easier for the dog to learn. 3. Always use the same words for going outside because an older dog can get confused by various commands. Say “Need to Pee?” and keep using that phrase so the dog learns what it means. 4. If the dog does have an accident inside, make sure you remove all traces of it with vinegar and baking soda. Dogs can smell extremely well and if an older dog smells urine inside, they may think they are supposed to use that spot. This is very important for potty training older dogs. 5. Dogs will not pee or poop where they sleep so keep their sleeping area tight so there is no room for accidents around their bed. 6. Instead of feeding your dog before they go to sleep, lessen the amount you feed them to eliminate accidents at night. 7. Always ensure that it is easy for your dog to go outside by providing them with a doggie door if you have a fenced yard. Once they are properly trained, you won’t have to do anything as the dog goes outside. This makes potty training older dogs very easy.

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workiestuff reviews
Fagor 2-by-1 Splendid 5-Piece Pressure Cooker Set
Jan 20th 2012, 22:44

Fagor 2-by-1 Splendid 5-Piece Pressure Cooker Set

  • 5-piece pressure cooker set includes 8- and 4-quart cooker pots, interchangeable pressure cooker and tempered glass lids, steamer basket with support trivet
  • Pots can be used as pressure cookers with pressure cooker lid or as regular pots with tempered glass lid
  • Made of 18/10 stainless steel; works with all cooking surfaces, including induction
  • Spring type mechanism with one pressure setting (high, 15psi); comes with a visual pressure indicator
  • Hand washing recommended

Fagor’s high-quality pressure cookers are essential tools for fast, easy and healthy cooking. In today’s time-starved world, any item that allows for quicker food preparation while retaining essential nutrients and vitamins is something everyone can appreciate- and that’s what we offers our customers. All of our pressure cookers are made of premium quality 18/10 stainless steel. Cookers can be used on any type of cooking surface, allowing greater versatility in today’s ever-evolving kitchen. All

List Price: $ 129.99


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My Subject Search Naples Italy
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy – A Tourist Study of the Masters
Jan 21st 2012, 02:22

Care to journey back to the 13th century to study the master artists of Florence in one of the most famous art collections in the world? How would you like to get up close and personal with Giotto, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bernini, Caravaggio and the Medici? What about traveling through time from the Gothic era, to the Renaissance, to the High Renaissance and finally to the Baroque? Well, read on to see how we spent our first day in the Renaissance City of Florence! And if Florence is in your travel plans, be sure to read this article for it not only provides a lesson in art history, it features helpful planning tips to help make the most of every vacation moment. We started out the first day in Florence at the Uffizi Gallery at 8:30am, the time of our reservation. What do I mean by reservation? After reading this, you will understand fully. When we arrived at the Uffizi courtyard, the center of a giant “U” which is surrounded by the three wings of the museum, we found the entrance line stretching from Entrance #1 on one side of the street, winding down toward the Arno River and then back up the other side of the street to Entrance #3 where you actually enter the museum to begin your tour. If you don’t have a reservation in hand or are not part of a group, this line will eat up 2-3 hours of your day. This is precisely why we had ours. And to help you, I will explain how to get your reservations later. Needless to say, we bypassed the line and arrived at Entrance #3 where we picked up our actual tickets and proceeded to the museum entrance. We were inside in less than five minutes. Before we begin our journey through the museum, let me share a short history lesson on the Uffizi Gallery. Established by the Medici in 1581, this world famous museum was originally commissioned by Cosimo I in 1560, the patriarch of the Medici family, and designed by Georgio Vasari, a very well known artist of the day and one of Cosimo’s favorites. The edifice was intended to serve as offices or uffizis for the high-ranking magistrates of Florence. Over time, the Medici amassed a large collection of artwork; either purchased or commissioned, and stored them here, some in especially elaborate rooms such as the Tribuna, the red walled octagonal shaped room that houses some of the Medici’s most prized collections. When the Medici fell out of power, Anna Maria Luisa, the last Medici heiress, established the museum through a family pact that stated all of her possessions were never to leave Florence and then opened up the museum to the public in 1765. The rest, as they say, is history. We began our journey a little winded after ascending three very long staircases to the top landing where you are greeted by the “family”, busts of the prominent members of the Medici Family. And there is very good reason because as you tour the museum, you begin to understand just how influential this family was throughout their “reign” of Florence, so to speak, and the legacy they left behind. After surrendering your ticket, you begin in the 13th century Gothic art rooms. Like the Vatican, the Uffizi too has quite a collection of this fascinating two-dimensional artistic style of painting that features prolific amounts of gold throughout the works. Lacking in most of the art of this time was perspective, an idea born of a Renaissance man some 300 years later — Brunelleschi in the 15th century and demonstrated later by Masaccio in his Holy Trinity, a fresco on the inside western wall of the Santa Maria Novella. From here, the rooms travel through the centuries and you will discover Botticelli’s “Primavera” and “Birth of Venus.” Strikingly beautiful, the “Birth of Venus” is rich in color and tells the story of Venus who arrives on the first day of creation, floating in a shell with the winds, Zephyr and Aura blowing her ashore. To her right, is one of the Three Graces, who is ready to offer her capes to provide her cover in her modest state. As you continue your journey, you will come upon Michelangelo’s “Doni Tondo”, a painting of the Holy Family completed in the early 16th century and during the transitional phase from the “Renaissance” period to that of “Mannerism”, around 1520. Giotto, Lippi, Carravagio, Raphael (Self Portrait), Leonardo (the unfinished Adoration of the Magi, Annunciation), Titian (Venus d’Urbino) Piero Della Francesca (Duke of Urbino), Parmigianino (The Madonna of the Long Neck) and countless others are all here and you’ll discover them too throughout your tour. There are also rooms of Italian sculptures where you’ll find Bernini’s statue of The Martyred St. Lawrence. And you’ll happen upon the Tribuna Room that I mentioned before, an octagonal shaped room with vivid red walls that houses the Medici’s most treasured and valuable pieces. With so much to explore, the museum offers hours of contemplation for those who appreciate the fine artistry on display here. As you weave in and out of all of the connecting rooms, be sure to notice the ceilings in the outer hallways. What are known in the artistic world as “grotesques”, not because of the subject matter but of the origin of the art form itself, are frescos painted in the 16th and 17th centuries. This style of painting derives its name from where they were first discovered, on the ceilings of grottos, hence “grotesques”. At last, we have almost completed our tour and here we are in the 18th Century. But, before we leave the centuries behind, there is one fascinating element of this museum that I want to share with you, a spectacular walkway known as the Vasari Corridor, which was designed by the artist in 1565 as a wedding present to Francesco I de Medici and Joan of Austria. This “secret passageway” stretches from the Uffizi Gallery, down along the Arno River, across via the Ponte Vecchio, and finally adjoins the Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens in Oltrarno (other side of Arno). It was reserved exclusively for the Medici who traveled this kilometer long passageway by pulling themselves by hand along its entire length. Dismaying as it may be, this clandestine corridor is not open to general public. However, if your one of the lucky ones who may traverse its path as part of a special group or school tour, you’re in for a real treat. Now that we are at the end of our first tour in Florence, allow me to impart a few essential planning tips. Before you leave, investigate the places you plan to visit via online and printed resources. Also, check out the many tour websites that feature group and private tours of the city, the churches, the museums and other popular sights. Although a few hours in length, these tours are a great introduction for the first time visitor.. We booked our tour, almost a full day, through Avventure Bellissime. One of their most popular, this tour features a guided city walk in the morning to learn about the architecture, the historical sights, the Medici, Dante and the role that Florence played in one of the most influential and reawakening periods in history, the Renaissance! Following the morning walk, there is a guided tour of the Accademia Museum to see Michelangelo’s David. And, later in the afternoon, a tour of the Uffizi Gallery. I strongly recommend this tour and it’s well worth the price because not only do you get a great introduction to the city and learn the significance of the architecture, the popular sights, etc, you don’t have to worry about the price of museums nor the strongly recommended advanced reservations. If a whole day tour doesn’t appeal to you, then book a scaled down tour of just one museum. The site offers a variety so explore! If touring doesn’t appeal to you, I strongly urge you to make reservations for the museums at the very least. You can do this online or by calling the museums and although a nominal fee is charged, it’s well worth it! And be sure to rent an audio guide so you don’t miss a thing. I do have one last tip to share but be sure you don’t tell anyone! Ask your hotel to make the reservations for you. Since you are a paying customer, you will find they are most amenable. Our friend at the hotel we stayed in Florence was only too happy to oblige when we asked her to book the Uffizi and Academia. Finally, leave your cameras in your rooms because no pictures allowed. However, if you want to see photos of the museum and of the famous paintings mentioned, visit my travel blog at the address below. Arrivederci!

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Boomdouble Reviews
NAXA NX-423 Compact CD Player AM/FM Radio Home Stereo
Jan 21st 2012, 02:14

NAXA NX-423 Compact CD Player AM/FM Radio Home Stereo

  • Top Loading CD Player
  • Analog Tuning with Digital Read Out
  • Dynamic Dual Speakers for Premium Sound
  • LCD Display with Blue Illumination
  • Full Function Remote Control

Naxa NS-423* Top Loading CD Player * Analog Tuning with Digital Read Out* Dynamic Dual Speakers for Premium Sound* LCD Display with Blue Illumination* Alarm Clock* Programmable CD Memories* Skip & Search Functions * Full Function Remote Control* UL/ETL Listed

List Price: $ 88.00


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Boomdouble Reviews
Panasonic SC

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